forum Hey Listen Up
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people_alt 5 followers

Deleted user

So I have some advice for all of y’all. First off, let me start with Lee. Lee has been majorly affected by what happened during these last couple days so they're gonna be offline for a while. If they keep getting pestered by people, they’ll delete their account. So I suggest certain people lay off of their DMs. Secondly, people who are taking a break, stay that way so you can screw your head back on properly (you know who you are). If one day isn’t enough for me, it’s not enough for you. Thirdly, I hope something like this doesn’t happen again. I myself am teetering on the edge of popping off for a break, because this site doesn’t appeal to me much anymore. It’s extremely disappointing to see how certain people acted and I sincerely hope it doesn’t happen again.


Deleted user

Exactly, I'm currently keeping Bee away from all the drama so she's taking a break. -Lex