forum Hey!! let's talk about cats!!
Started by @RainClouds_Itachi_

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@Becfromthedead group

I want a cat… we got one last Christmas (a declawed, very friendly stray that appeared on like December 23 and stuck around), but it took our food, peed on our couch, and ran away…


both these things are rough man.
I've had like 10 cats but I don't think any of them have peed on anything honestly????
but to be fair, one of them would eat lettuce if you left it out…


My family took in two stray cats in my lifetime…

My cat, Lucky, died a few years ago. He was a very old, fat, and grumpy cat but only let me take care of him, pet him, and pick him up. He only ever snuggled under my arm at night. At times I would have to throw my shoes at him to get him to stop humping my blankets.
All in all though, he was a really sweet, old cat that latched onto me. He died at 18 years.

My brother's cat, Tiger, is younger than Lucky and is still alive and purring. He's so soft and loving and enjoys being manhandled and receiving belly rubs. He has a snaggletooth though, and because of a genetic disorder, his body is rejecting his own teeth, causing them to rot in his mouth until they fall out.

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I have cats. I’m sharing links to pictures of my cats. CATTTTTSSSS


I loooove cats! I have a cat named Jasmine "Jazzy", "JJ". And a stray named Midnight who is so attached to us and lives in our garage. I named her after me and her middle name is Mercury. Jazzy's middle name is Juniper. They are so sweet and I love them both!

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I can send links of all my cats, but I did have more before that, I think I have pictures on my 2DS.

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I have a big fat cat, though it’s my moms. He’s the cat that gives zero craps and is hilarious to see when he rolls on the ground.


I don't have pictures of my cats right now since I'm at school but I got a list of names-

our first cat was named Zipper and she sadly died of old age a while ago, but she was really sweet and she never hissed at anyone. except she would hiss at Panther, our second cat. we got him maybe a few weeks before Zipper died. he was a fatty. and then he ran away. then we had Angel, she was really small for her age, and kinda just,,, sat on people,, all the time. she had three kittens which we named JayFeather, NinjaStar, and Fluffy. we kept JayFeather and sadly had to get rid of Angel, NinjaStar, and Fluffy. JayFeather then had four kittens which we named Barbie, Jasper, Mouse, and Patrick. Barbie died, which was kinda traumatizing, and we had to get rid of her siblings.

and we still have sassy cat JayFeather to this day.

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I had a cat named BrightHeart. She had a rare disease which made her one eye a different color. One day she was really sick so we took her to the ASPCA. Later my mom found out she died, but lied to me about it and said that she was adopted. She told me only a couple months ago that she died… she also looked a lot like BrightHeart.


Aw I'm sorry. I had a cat named Bailey who was my best friend when I was little. We knocked things off shelves and tore up papers together. He died from a stomach problem at about mid-age. I miss him.

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I’m sorry for you as well… I lost a lot of cats actually…