forum Hey kids, do you want some candy?
Started by @EmptyNebula group

people_alt 3 followers

@EmptyNebula group

don't worry, leads children into basement Ok, wait a second for me to prepare. Turns off all lights. Goes into small room and motions more people into the room. Are you guys drowsy yet?

@EmptyNebula group

@Levitate is making me die with every post.//

Cool, you'll be knocked out for two minutes top. While you're waiting, just sit in these chairs. walks over to closet and unleashes the puppies.

Deleted user

instantly crouches down on chair I hate puppies………….

@EmptyNebula group

I actually do not understand what that kid is saying but anyways, the pixie stick should work now. Goes into back room and throws harmless candy all over the floor just because