forum Hey, I was wondering how you guys would deal with untrue rumours ?
Started by @Honeybee_

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Any suggestions? My situation is mild I think. I just feel I need some advice concidering I’m not a very confident person to begin with

Deleted user

Well, you could confront the rumors upfront, (eg: posting on social media, spreading the truth) or you could just pretend it never happened. that the idea is so absurd, you won’t even spend time on it.


Thank you guys. I’m definetly not going to get mad at her, I’m just gonna not talk to her, it isn’t like I do usually anyways. I’m gonna say sorry to the other person if I did make them feel uncomfortable. I know it isn’t true so I’m just gonna try to go about my time and try not to obsess over it. I’m still accepting suggestions though!


It depends how severe the rumours are. I used to have rumours go around that I was gay. So I admitted to it (even though I'm not gay). No more rumours. Of course when there's more serious rumours going around you kinda just have to keep denying it and hope it blows over…

@Moxie group

Oh, I've dealt with this. Probably in a slightly more extreme way than you are, but I can still offer advice. My ex-friend spread a rumor about me because I told her I didn't want to be friends with her anymore. It was . . . gross but still believable. I really wanted to confront her about it but I decided that giving her more attention wouldn't help anything so I'm just ignoring her. But if you do wanna confront her I would talk more about your feelings and ask her why she did that. That's what my teacher told me to do.