forum Hey, I need to rant to someone. No need to reply, I just need to rant.
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

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So, this may not sound like a huge deal, but it is to me, especially with what’s going on in my life.
Here’s some context…
Homeschool co-op: A place where homeschoolers go 2 or 3 times a month to chill with friends and ‘learn’
Twin Day: Where you dress up the same with 2 or more people.
Good News Camp: A camp that me and my friends go to.
Lillian: My best friend who’s really nice but sometimes doesn’t quiet.
Lily: One of my caring, nice friends who, again, often doesn't quiet.
Kayla: A nice, quiet girl who we all like.
Jovie: This one girl who most people like but I find annoying (also she ruined my week)

So, basically, I asked Lily and Lillian if we all wanted to dress the same. We worked out that we would wear our Good News Camp shirts and jeans. Anyway, Lily found out about 4 days before Twin Day that Jovie didn’t have a partner. Now, I was like, “Well, okay, there’ll just be four of us.” Now, I didn’t really care for Jovie, but whatever, I was still with my friends. So, Jovie didn’t go to Good News Camp, so we let her borrow an extra shirt of my sister’s. Now, I was chill. Until today… I had received “news” from my mom that Lillian had left our little quadruplet group to include Kayla. Now, it’s fine that she included Kayla, that’s nice of her, but I
A. Wish she had told me first. If she had, we could have worked something out.
B. Recommended other people for Kayla instead.
C. Not have broken off of our group.

So now I’m stuck with Lily, who asked Jovie to join our group without the consent of everyone in the group (because HEY, maybe certain people don’t WANT Jovie to be in our group and screw everything up.), and now Lily just ruined everything. And now I have to be twins with two people that I highly dislike. I swear, I’m just gonna wear a scarf and stuff and pretend that it’s a total coincidence that we wore the same shirt, and then tell Lily and Jovie that I just wanted to wear a scarf and beanie. I don’t know why, I’m just ticked. It’s Lily’s fault for not telling us before inviting Jovie and for even inviting her in the first place, it’s Lillian’s fault for hopping off the group, and it’s Jovie’s fault for being a stupid little jerk who’s annoying and screws everything up.

Sorry for the rant, I’m just mad. And you don’t have to reply to this, I just wanted to rant to someone. And normally, I’m pretty chill, especially with my online friends. But this just kinda crossed the line.