forum Hey, I'm Pseudonym. I am here to help if you have a piece you want shared anonymously! (Just click here, I'll explain)
Started by Pseudonym

people_alt 2 followers


Hi! So, basically, I'm's personal pseudonym (pseu·do·nym
a fictitious name, especially one used by an author).
If you ever have a piece you want to share or something you want to say but you're not sure if you want the world to know it's you, message it to me and I'll post it anonymously STATING THAT IT IS NOT MY WORK. If you would like, I will keep you updated on activity on the conversation, but feel free to stay posted on your own, too. If you decide you want the world to know that you wrote/said what I posted after a while, let me know and I'll update it, saying you wrote it.
I'm here to help! Message me whenever you want!