forum hey i just need to rant real quick don't bother reading this it'll probably offend you
Started by @Leo-Valdez-Is-The-God-Of-Chaos

people_alt 42 followers


so I just need to blow off some steam on gun control.
firearms are responsible for a huge load of deaths every year. we all know this. but mass shootings most often occur in areas where no guns are allowed. it's like murderers don't care about obeying rules or something!

but then we see that there aren't usually mass shootings where there are people who do legally have guns. you'd think that a killer would feel more welcome where people can shoot back, but noooo, the psycho killer wants to be the only one with a gun.

let me just throw this out there.

do you think terrorists would attack schools if the teachers had guns and would shoot back? I personally believe that retaliating against a killer will work better than hiding under a desk, but y'know, that's just me talking.

and now let's talk about banning guns.

if banning guns is going to work, maybe we should try banning something like heroine too! but wait… we tried that and now only criminals have heroine, and maybe only criminals will have guns, too!

when alcohol was banned in America, people took to buying it illegally. if guns are banned in America, people will take to buying those illegally.

listen, if this problem is big enough, and obvious enough that a fourteen year old has to go and rant about how idiotic a few specific congressmen are, then maybe think it over, come up with every point in which I'm mistaken, and I'll have a gentlemanly argument with you if you want to throw down.