forum Hey guys lets trade homemade recipes!
Started by @CearBare

people_alt 40 followers


I'm not sure what I want to call it yet, but it's technically just a thick crepe. But I enjoyed it and want you to be able to enjoy it too!

  1. Turn on the burner to medium-high (5).
  2. Grab a pan and something to oil it with so that you don't burn any eggs to the pan (you can use butter, vegetable oil, or olive oil if you prefer.)
  3. After you oil the pan, get two eggs and whisk them till you can see little bubbles. You can whisk them longer or shorter depending on how fluffy you want it to be.
  4. Pour roughly two tablespoons of half and half creamer into the eggs and whisk until evenly mixed.
  5. get a bag of all-purpose flour and whisk in about 2-3 spoonfuls one at a time until there are no lumps and it is the consistency of pancake batter.
  6. At this point, I like to mix in something like cheese or blueberries depending on how I feel. You can mix in whatever you want, as long as it's the right size and is edible.
  7. Pour the batter on to the pan and turn the burner down to 4. Make sure you don't pour too much or it will fall apart when you try to flip it.
  8. Wait about one minute to forty seconds before flipping it. if it doesn't look ready give it another thirty seconds.
  9. repeat step 8 on the other side.
  10. I find that sometimes you have to let it cook a little more on each side before you eat it so that it's cooked throughout.
  11. Serve and eat.

If you guys have any recipes you want to share go ahead and write it out below. :) I hope you enjoy my recipe!

@saor_illust school

ha nice! i'll be sure to try to do this later. the only recipe i know of is pancakes.

  1. get pancake mix lol
  2. follow instructions on pancake mix bag
  3. serve on a plate and then eat it.

haha that doesn't even count as a recipe

Deleted user

Oh um

  1. Slice up some strawberries
  2. Slice up some bananas
  3. Slice up some dragonfruit
  4. Put it all in a bowl
  5. Add raspberries, grapes, and blackberries
  6. If you're feeling a little wild, make your own chocolate dipping sauce (just melt chocolate and add sugar until you're absolutely sure you will get diabetes from just one lick)

And done. This is basically what I live off of. And it's not unhealthy (most of the time.)

is this even considered as a recipe?-


  1. Get a bowl.
  2. Make ramen without the flavor packet.
  3. Strain ramen (you can either keep the broth for later or toss it out—up to you.
  4. Add green beans.
  5. Add steak sauce.

This might sound like a joke post, but I kid you not—this stuff is good. And really easy to make. And really cheap.

Deleted user

Connie's Cinnamon pancakes.

For people who feel like normal pancakes aren't sweet enough and syrup's too messy.
1: Get your nearby pancake mix and follow the instructions
2: Add a teaspoon/dash of vanilla extract
3: Pat a bit of cinnamon and sugar in a bowl and mix until you're happy with the sugar to cinnamon ratio
4: Dump half of the mix into the mixing bowl and mix in well with your batter
5: Heat up your skillet/pan. Spray with cooking spray before applying your batter to the heat.
6: Flip and stuff. Once your first batch of pancakes are done, sprinkle the cinnamon mix on it. It will stick to the hot pancake easily, although there will be remains on the plate/dish. Do not apply cinnamon mix while pancakes are on the skillet/pan. They will burn and make it very hard to flip your pancakes.
7: Enjoy!~


Simple cinnamon roll cookies (I used to bring them to my friends at school all the time):


1 box white cake mix
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 eggs
1/2 cup canola oil
1/4 cup cinnamon
1 tbs butter

Mix the cake mix, eggs, oil, vanilla extract, and oil in a bowl. Roll the dough out flat on a pre floured space. Form it into a rectangle. Spread the cinnamon onto the entire surface of the dough. Roll into a log and cut the log into about 3/4 inch peices. Bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for about 12 minutes. If you want, you can add icing.