forum Hey guys, I don't want to be *that* person, but...
Started by @saor_illust school

people_alt 45 followers

@saor_illust school

Heyo! I'm Izzy, for those of you that don't know me. I'm making this thread for one reason, and one reason only. It's cause, well, I hate to be that person who's always on, or says the forums are "dead" when no-one replies to any of their rps or threads, but, well, all of the threads I'm in, no-one's replying. I'm bored, and I'd really like someone to talk to. Anyone out there? I hope the title didn't make people skim over this thread…
I'm not looking for another rp, in case you were wondering. Just someone(s) to talk to about anything. Life, homework, anything. Whatever, I don't really care. Just… follow andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s rules please. That's literally all I ask of you. We could even rp if you wanted, for all I care. But first, you can't rp with only one person, you need two people to start an rp :P
And I'd like to personally thank you in advance for clicking on this thread.

@saor_illust school

Alright, I think that's enough reloading Notebook for the night. I apologize, I'm not going to stay up past midnight for some silly thing like this, but I'm always open to talking, PMs or in this thread, or in a separate thread, I don't care. If you want to summon me to a thread to talk, or to rp, sure! Just remember about timezones. If anyone cares, I'm in PST; west coast; Washington. It's currently 10:51pm right now for me.

Deleted user

hello, I'm going to be online a lot soon as soon as everything is settled where I live

I used to use MSK (Moscow Standard Time) so this is going to be confusing for a while, but now I use EST! as of typing it's 9:50 AM. so if i were to be using MSK it would be 4:50 pm lol

happy birthday stark!

@saor_illust school

Hey all, I'm finally back from school. So uh, first off- Hap Birth Stark! Congrats on being 19!
And second off- well, um, what did y'all want to talk about?

@Starfast group

I guess I'll join this thread as well. I'm on notebook quite a bit when I'm not at work. I use PST. Also, happy birthday @StarkSpangledBanner_is_19!! :)