forum Hey everyone, does anyone have a story idea, i could use?
Started by Kris Darnel

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A girl who discovers a magical land by jumping through a pond. A boy who falls in love with someone who saves his life by literally dancing with death. A girl and a boy who become best friends at school but then there's a shooting, and they HAVE to find the shooter. Need more?

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A boy who flies with dragons. A robot who gains sentience. A girl who makes light with her hands. A prison for superpowered teenagers. The ghost of a teenager that loves to play pranks. An alien stuck in Area 51. I got more.


Okay, so there's the whole idea of 'soulmate' in this story. But like, the system messed up, and it paired a gay man with an ace woman, and they are like 'wait what' and they become the best of friends, so like the term 'soulmate' just meant 'bestfriend' or something. And the story talks about their many adventures.


Twins were born but one of them died and their ghost acts as a guardian for the remaining twin and watches them grow up trying to protect them


The character dies, and instead of going to heaven or hell, the wake up to find that they're a child's imaginary friend. It could be called, Limbo. :) (if you use this idea, I would appreciate it if we wrote it together. Or if I can be your co-writer or editor.)


The character dies, and instead of going to heaven or hell, the wake up to find that they're a child's imaginary friend. It could be called, Limbo. :) (if you use this idea, I would appreciate it if we wrote it together. Or if I can be your co-writer or editor.) Can we co-write this together? It sounds fantastic