forum Hey.
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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Homeschool isn’t too bad, you don’t have to wake up early or go anywhere, and my mom sometimes lets me drink hot cocoa while I read the lessons. It’s also safer for the smol ones, and recess is so much more fun because not only is there a playground at my house but there’s also my computer, you can probably guess which one I usually choose. However, my school is a bit different because instead of regular school, this is very very very VERY Catholic school. Which would be fine, I love my religion, but the books are really biased, particularly my history book, it tells me all sorts of things I’d never learn from other books, but any time a Catholic does something bad they just cover it up with “oh but she was pressured into it by society and those SUPER EVIL PROTESTANTS THAT RUIN EVERYTHING” not to mention the past 8 chapters have all been dedicated to the Protestant revolt and all the problems it caused, which I find to be ridiculous because if we’re to take this from the actual viewpoint of most Catholics, Protestants still can get to heaven if they’re good people, while Atheists and Witches can’t. This book just skipped things like Columbus discovering America and went straight to all the statues and artworks destroyed by the “super evil Protestants”. It’s driving me nuts