forum Hey Andrew?
Started by @Natasha

people_alt 2 followers


I know that you're probably not going to see this and that it's very cheesy, but I invented cheesy so who cares.
I just wanted to take a minute to say thank you and that you're awesome. This site has not only helped me develop as a writer but also as a person, and it has also in a way given me a voice. I found this site in January while I was going through a rough time and it has helped me a lot.
So thanks.

@andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

I often miss threads (since there are so many to pour through!), but I'm glad I didn't miss this one. But.. I'm more glad has been so helpful in more than one way. :) Sometimes the occasional rough times are what we need to kick our butts into an inspirational gear – and sometimes they're just there to make the good times better by comparison. I'm glad you're doing better. :)