forum Here to help.
Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

The title says it but everyone is welcome here. Everyone has something that’s not going right in their lives and you can talk about it here. Whether it’s a crush or puberty or family stuff. Even gender or sexual orientation… it doesn’t matter you’re valid and you can have someone to talk to.

@HighPockets group

Hi Darren I always feel like I'm on here too much and you all are annoyed by me or sick of me but I'm pretty sure that's not true but at the same time I don't get how anyone could possibly like me

Deleted user

Aww hi! I don’t know you all that well but you don’t seem annoying to me and honestly, I already like you.

Deleted user

I don't really know you (well I kinda do but..anyways)


@HighPockets group

Thank you, Darren! I don't know you but I like you too!
honestly though everyone on this site is so kind and supportive and UGH!! I love them all so much!!

Deleted user

They really are so supportive! Which brings me to this chat… I know what it’s like to go through stuff and just so badly need someone to talk to who won’t judge you… well das me. I’m willing to help.

Deleted user

so..(me and my social awkwardness)
but I do know you like 21 Pilots
Which is fun

I love TØP!

Deleted user

I just want people to know that they have a place where they can talk without being judged and if they need help they have people.

Deleted user

damn. Well sometimes i feel like all my life is just a speck in the endless shelf of the universe , and that every thought i feel, everything i ever do, everythhing about me will not matter, and will never matter, becuase we’re all just humans, arent we?
I also have trouble connecting to people and am afraid that i am going to live my whole freaking life alone and hostile twoard everyone i ever care about, because i just canr seem to help it. I worry that im broken becuase i just never seem to be happy, or kind anymore, and my mom lets me know it. She’s what you’d call brutally honest, and i never seem to do okay in her eyes. I worry that i have no one to talk to because i burn all my relationships with everyone.
I worry that i’ll be sad forever, because its been a long while since i’ve felt really, truly happy and at peace in myself.
I worry all my friends will leave me because im gay, even though i know they wont, but still i worry that everyone’s view of me will change.
:) but everything’s fine :)))

Deleted user

I don’t believe that anyone can be alone forever. I’ve seen too much to believe that. You’ll find someone a girl who wants to date you or just be your friend or a boy who’s the same and you won’t be alone.


Moonlight, Your not worthless I know it feels like that sometimes but have you ever had someone that you so deeply appreciate and feel like you couldn't live without them but they had no idea? Well I bet someone feels the same way about you, or have you ever been walking and happen to see someone and just think how beautiful or handsome or whatever they are even though you don't even know them? I bet someone has thought that about you too. It's hard to believe I know but there are people who care about you despite what you think and if people don't appreciate who you are then there are always other people who will

Deleted user

Thank you. It doesnt really feel that way, but it means a whole lot that you said that.

@HighPockets group

No problem my dude. You helped me on the 'annoying' chat.
also my ear has been bugging me for a while and now it feels very hot and I'm starting to panic


I’d just like to say I’m here for anyone who needs me. I’m not much help but I feel entitled after what happened the other night.