forum Her Name is Lily: The Dumb Paragraph Game
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Hi, so I have a character in a book I'm writing named Lily. As a good way to sort of introduce her to readers, the first paragraph of the chapter she appears in talks about her name and how it is completely unfitting of her (at least to her). I've changed this chapter around so often it feels a bit like a game to me. So, precious internets, I present a fun little game. Try to build off of this paragraph in any way you want. Go ahead.

"There was a girl, a young girl, one whose name was Lily. Lily; such a pure and innocent name that parents from around the world name their daughters in a hope they fulfill their unspoken desire for innocence and purity. And yet, she wasn’t a Lily, no one ever thought of her as that. Lily’s always laughed innocently. This Lily wouldn’t even talk most of the time. Lily's always dressed in their Sunday best, perhaps they would wear a beautiful white dress that flowed in the wind. Lily didn’t even know what a ‘Sunday best’ was, she would always wear the same outfit she was given. Lily didn’t have the typical thin long hair that flowed through the wind like the lace of a dress, her hair was thick and round and scruffy with bright blue highlights at the ends. She was a mess. A dishonor to her own name. Though there were probably many more Lily’s with this exact problem. The outcast Lily"

I have already put the paragraph above, for you guys' ctrl+c ctrl+v pleasure. Feel free to build off of the last sentence in any way you like.