forum Helping You Find Your Sexuality
Started by @Pandapocalypse

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Okay, so I made this for people struggling to find their sexuality. This is a list I've compiled of different sexualities:

  • Heterosexual (straight): attracted to the opposite binary gender
  • Homosexual (gay/lesbian): attracted to the same binary gender
  • Bisexual (bi): attracted to both binary genders
  • Skoliosexual (skolio): only attracted to nonbinary genders
  • Pansexual (pan): attracted to everyone withoyt consideration of gender
  • Omnisexual (omni): attracted to all binary and nonbinary genders (for diference between omni and pan, see reply below)
  • Polysexual (poly): attracted to more than one gender, but not necissarily all of them; pretty much the middle ground between bi/skolio/pan
  • Autosexual (auto): only attracted to yourself
  • Aromantic (aro): not romantically attracted to anybody whatsoever
  • Asexual (ace): not sexually attracted to anybody whatsoever; you can still be romantically attracted to someone, just not in a sexual way
  • Polyamourous (poly): attracted to and able to date multiple people at once

For my nonbinary peeps:

  • Androphilia (andro): only attracted to males
  • Gynephilia (gyne): only attracted to females

Shades of ace/aro:

  • Just plain ace/aro
  • Graysexual/grayromantic (gray-ace/gray-aro): kind of hard to explain, but it's basically you're not totally sexual/romantic, but you're also not totally ace/aro
  • Lithsexual/lithromantic (lith): attracted to people sexually/romantically, but have no desire for these attractions to be acted upon
  • Demisexual/demiromantic (demi): can only become attracted to someone aftet forming a close plotonic relationship

With all ace/aro shades, you can also be any other sexuality to go with it. For example, im demibi (demisexual/bisexual). You can choose whether the shade goes before or after the sexuality, it's your choice! You can make it demibi, pan-ace, straight lith, whatever you want!

Please tell me if any of this information is incorrect or if I missed anything!

Deleted user

One minor thing. Pansexuality is regardless of gender, people like us just don't see it and pretty much just think "cute" over "male/female/etc" but another, Omnisexual, is still an all-gendered attraction but gender does still matter to that person and plays in as a factor in that attraction.


Also, here are some websites to go to if you need more information:






I might exand on this later, but this is what have for now.


One minor thing. Pansexuality is regardless of gender, people like us just don't see it and pretty much just think "cute" over "male/female/etc" but another, Omnisexual, is still an all-gendered attraction but gender does still matter to that person and plays in as a factor in that attraction.

Explain? I think I get what you mean, but I want o make sure


Hey, can someone make a list like the first one but with genders, please? I think I'm genderfluid but a different label may fit me better. Thanks!

Deleted user

OMG someone please do that, I'm female/grey gender but not many people know what that issss…


I thik he one ting I questio is the exact of my ace/aro. Like I know I'm at least demisexual. Thing is, I could be demiromantic/demisexual, normal biromantic/demisexual, or I could be demiromantic/asexual. Idek anymore lol


Hey, can someone make a list like the first one but with genders, please? I think I'm genderfluid but a different label may fit me better. Thanks!

I shall try!

Deleted user

One minor thing. Pansexuality is regardless of gender, people like us just don't see it and pretty much just think "cute" over "male/female/etc" but another, Omnisexual, is still an all-gendered attraction but gender does still matter to that person and plays in as a factor in that attraction.

Explain? I think I get what you mean, but I want o make sure

I'm not good at explaining much. I'll try though.

Here goes. Most people define both terms as meaning the attraction to all genders, but this isn’t fully true. Oxford Dictionary defines pansexual as not limited in sexual choice with regard to biological sex, gender, or gender identity and omnisexual as involving, related to, or characterized by a diverse sexual propensity. Both pansexual and omnisexual are rather new words in relation to labeling sexualities, but both stem from different languages. The prefix pan- comes from the Greek word ‘pan’ meaning all, while the prefix omni- comes from the Latin word ‘omni’, which also means all. But despite the fact that both of the terms contain a prefix meaning ‘all’, there is still a key difference between the two.

The key difference being the fact that pansexuality is the attraction to people regardless of gender, meaning that they could date a man, a woman, someone identifying as non-binary or anyone else without said person’s gender playing a part in whether they date them or have the capacity to love them. Whereas omnisexual is the attraction to anyone despite their gender, meaning they could also date a man, a woman, someone identifying as non-binary or anyone else, while noticing their gender but not caring how they identify.

The important thing to remember is that sexuality (and gender) differs from person to person, so someone’s definition of their sexuality (or gender) might be different to another person’s. However, as long as you are comfortable in your sexuality (or gender) you can choose to label yourself however you want or you could not label yourself at all. So don’t ever feel pressured to choose or conform to a certain sexuality (or gender). I hope that in the close future it will become normal for people to know about, educate themselves on and at least try to understand other sexualities and genders aside from heterosexuality and identifying as a binary gender or being cis-gendered.

@HighPockets group

Good list, I'd just like to point out:

  • Polysexual actually means sexually attracted to some genders, but not all genders, like you said the first time you listed it. The word you were thinking of the second time was polyamorous.
  • Bi people can be attracted to nonbinary folks, the differentiater between bi and pan is that bi people tend to have preferences and pan people are equally attracted no matter the gender.


Good list, I'd just like to point out:

  • Polysexual actually means sexually attracted to some genders, but not all genders, like you said the first time you listed it. The word you were thinking of the second time was polyamorous.
  • Bi people can be attracted to nonbinary folks, the differentiater between bi and pan is that bi people tend to have preferences and pan people are equally attracted no matter the gender.

If you're attracted to non-binary pals, you can't really be bisexual. If you like non-binaries and men and women, you are likely pan or omni, by definition. But you can label yourself as something else if it makes you more comfortable.


Good list, I'd just like to point out:

  • Polysexual actually means sexually attracted to some genders, but not all genders, like you said the first time you listed it. The word you were thinking of the second time was polyamorous.
  • Bi people can be attracted to nonbinary folks, the differentiater between bi and pan is that bi people tend to have preferences and pan people are equally attracted no matter the gender.

If you're attracted to non-binary pals, you can't really be bisexual. If you like non-binaries and men and women, you are likely pan or omni, by definition. But you can label yourself as something else if it makes you more comfortable.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure, bi is tne two binary, and poly would be anything else that isn't pan/omni/etc.

@HighPockets group

I mean, I could see myself with anyone, but I do tend to lean one way so I use bi, because I do notice gender and I'm not equally attracted to everyone, but I am attracted to everyone if that makes sense?
Like, I could be with a guy or a girl or a pal, but I swing towards girls and tend to swing away from guys, but I could be/have been attracted to guys, it's just less likely.


I mean, I could see myself with anyone, but I do tend to lean one way so I use bi, because I do notice gender and I'm not equally attracted to everyone, but I am attracted to everyone if that makes sense?
Like, I could be with a guy or a girl or a pal, but I swing towards girls and tend to swing away from guys, but I could be/have been attracted to guys, it's just less likely.

Maybe this can help:


I'm gonna rate myself as Barely Functional Gay.
(That's right I'm coming out as male-oriented [85% males, the rest is everyone else] on here!)
shutout to the few people I told a week ago to prepare