forum Helping me write a story
Started by @Star_Girls_puppers_was_attacked

people_alt 32 followers


so I need elp writting a storyso if you want to help im gonna make it interesting so you can choose your character ill list them for you and you can play out as that scharacter heres what it´s about
10 people go to the same school 4 of them are really close but the other aren´t it was thier first yesr of collage and Beth(me) kept seeing this strange man but ignored it untill he attacked beth and her friends but he wasn´t a normal person he had super strength and super senses but he didn´t start out this way he kidnapps animals and takes them to his lab to rip out thier hearts once that is done he disposses of the body and stores the heart in a jar for when he needs it bacause when he needs it he´ll eat the heart and becometha animal he chased beth and her friends because he was hungry but they found out his secret and he will make sure they don´t survive.

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Here's some advice in general: Use a period every now and again; nobody likes run-on sentences. Use spell check, or look up a word on google if you're not sure how to spell it. If you don't have spell check, I'd recommend downloading Grammarly, which is free.
Sorry for that little ramble, I'm a bit of a grammar nazi. And I'm not a Grammarly brand representative either, I just think its a useful tool.