forum Help With My Book
Started by @Romione

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So I was hoping that someone could take a look at my outline for my book (If this site allows that. I don't know if it does) and tell me what they think. Preferably someone who is into sci-fi or fantasy. Thanks in advance!


I actually started writing it already on my laptop. I am unsure of how I would get it to you to read. lol I got the first chapter done so far.


If you are typing on google docs you can share it with me then put in viewing mode so I can't change anything


I'd love to help as well ^^if you do use google docs, I believe you can set it so it's public and that no one can change a thing. Then all you need to do is share a the link


Google docs also has a "comment" feature so that collaborators can add comments without destroying existing content. This can help for proofreading/adding suggestions!

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Sci-fi and fantasy is literally the only thing I read. I so want in.


Put it on google docs and I will read every sentence with awe :D I love sci-fi and fantasy, that's the only stuff I read


Awesome, I literally have no friends and this is my only form of a social life, so I'm probably free, though at 6:00 I have to sulk in the corner of my room because I have no friends. Other than that, I'm free. :)