Started by IvyMarieHudson

people_alt 3 followers

@HighPockets group


  • Did he also tell your parents?
  • was it for gender or sexuality, because if it’s gender, he might need physical things
  • is he in any danger staying at home or being openly out


He did tell my parents, and he's gay, no transgender. We don't live in a very "accepting" communtiy, very rural and agricultural, and my parents warned him to not tell anyone and as much as that I absolutely great advice in his situation, I don't think it's healthy.

@HighPockets group

Maybe you could set aside one night a week just to talk about him and how he’s feeling, maybe research famous gay people, just stuff to make sure he’s not getting depressed or discouraged, especially if gay people are made fun of at his school. I’m not sure what to do, I’m not good at advice HELP!!


Help him feel accepted.
Make sure he doesn't feel threatened by anything or anyone and don' treat him any different then you used to.
If you change you behavoir he may regret telling you and my devolop some mental illness.
Help him find people online or people he could look up to that are also gay.
Help him feel accepted no matter what though.
Good luck!


I don't think you should sit down with him and talk about it, I don't know but it could be quite awkward for you and him. If I was you I wouldn't treat him any differently then before. However, you know a few queer jokes would be super cool.


I know that's a pretty pathetic excuse for advice but that's my opinion. Just try to remember that it's his life, and that he can choose to live it whichever way he wants to. It's not like he has changed anyway, he's still that little boy you know and love.