forum Help please
Started by @Fraust

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So, I can't sleep. Not that I haven't tried of course, I know I have to wake up at 6 something in the morning, so I go to bed around 10:30. However, I can't actually fall asleep at all until around 3-5 am for some reason. This has gone on for three days, so I figured I should try to fix it. Does anyone have any sleep tricks?


Somethings that might help, are not using technology right before bed, try writing in a notebook or reading instead. If you don't want to do that, you can try to buy a lavender spray, and spray that on your pillow before bed. (lavender is a calming scent and is supposed to help relax people.) Something that I do, is start making up a story in my head, and imagine how everything looks like, and keep the story going until I fall asleep. I hope this helps.

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I wouldn't go to sleep at 10:30. I would go to sleep at ten, or even nine-thirty. And Kylie's right, don't use anything that has a blue screen and try to keep the lights and sound low or not at all. Before bed, get into a routine of doing things and then bed - over time, you'll go to sleep faster. Do something calming such as reading or drawing - whatever relaxes you. Don't eat or drink grains, milk or water either. I hope that helps!


Something that helps me is listening to wordless music at a low volume as I try to sleep. I don't actually recommend making up a story in your head, because in my experience it keeps me awake because I can't quiet my head down after I wake it up. You can also go to CVS or your local pharmacy and pick up some melatonin. It makes your body pretty tired, and I use it to help me fall asleep even though it only works 50% of the time. You don't need a prescription for it.


I know my mother uses melatonin sometimes, and I do listen to wordless music (Pachelbel's Canon, to be exact). I think the problem is that in the summer I was used to staying up late and sleeping in, but since school started, I can't do that anymore. Thanks for the ideas, guys ^^

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You're welcome! Yes, there are sleeping pills, but I don't like taking them because they're not natural and can be destructive. Have a good sleep!