forum Help me decide my pronouns, (More fun than serious), and/or, have a fun talk about gender
Started by @Oakiin

people_alt 42 followers


I'm agender, and I'm trying to figure out what pronoun conveys "I am too powerful for your weak mortal attempts to contain me within a label, mwahahaha"
I'm struggling with this, however.
Throw any pronoun you've ever heard in your entire life at me. I wanna hear them all.
Personally, I generally don't care what people call me, she, they he, idc. She/they are my favorites, but I like sir and mir more than ma'am. I strictly judge off how the words sound, not their meanings.

Aesthetic over Advancement

Basically anyways.

Deleted user

Mx. is how I like being addressed, it sounds nice. That and Your Majesty.


Yess, xir and your majesty are awesome xD
Never heard of mx before! How would you use that it a sentence? What are all the different cases?

Deleted user



Oh that's neat! I'm demigirl and I've just been using she/her pronouns cause I don't want to bug anyone when I feel more like they/them?

@HighPockets group

Is Mx. pronounced "mix" or "mixer"?
Lowkey gonna stalk this for Writer Reasons, I have a few genderqueer/fluid/nonbinary characters who will need this

@HighPockets group

Also what would be a gender-neutral version of King or Queen? I know Majesty works, but using "Majesty Robin" for example seems clunky, is there one that feels more smooth?
Since the fae don't have a super strict binary like humans do, I want to mention there having been genderqueer rulers in the past but I don't know how to address them


Also what would be a gender-neutral version of King or Queen? I know Majesty works, but using "Majesty Robin" for example seems clunky, is there one that feels more smooth?

"Royalty" is one I use, as in "Royal Kaise" or "Their Royalty, Kaise"
Or "Crown" as in "Crown Robin"
"Sovereign" is another one
"Empral" as a version of Emperor/Empress (One of my favorites, actually. "Empral Perry")
"Ruler," or "Rule" as in "The Rule/er Gustus"
"Noble" or "Regal"
Hope some of these helped!