forum Help I want pronouns for myself. It's been years, and I want.
Started by @Oakiin

people_alt 47 followers


Year, I tell you. Years.
I've identified as agender for all of those years, yet I still go by my birth pronouns, bc
A) I live in a conservative area
B) Literally don't care that much
c) I don't mind arguing my gender, or just standing up for myself, it's the fact that I just have not the energy to do that constantly. It's rough enough in my own dang house. =<=

But, the open wilds of the 'online' call, and here, I can be who I am freely….
But to to that I need pronouns

I don't like 'they' all that much, sadly. I'm thinking about ae/aer/aers/aerself, just to keep with the A theme of my life, but I'm not too decided.
So yeah.
Throw me your anouns. I mean, pronouns.
Thanks, I love you

@Anemone eco

In my past experience, I have met someone who has chosen to use ze/zir(or hir) pronouns, but I'm not really sure how much you'd like those.

@Anemone eco

Really there's a myriad of pronouns, including:

  • ey/em/eir
  • Hu/hum/hus
  • per/pers
  • Jee/jem/jeir(s)
  • Ve/ver/vis
  • Xe/xem/xyr(s)
  • Zhe/zhim/zher(s)

And the list kinda goes on. But it's really up to you


I don't have any suggestions at the moment, but I'm following this so I know how to refer to you in the future. Best of luck finding ones you like!


(Excuse me, I'm just trying on some pronouns. I wanted to write them down to keep track of what I'm thinking. None of these are final yettt)


Sunflower walked to the store. They didn't know what they were looking for, but they brought with them their service dog, and today, Sunflower feels happy with themself.

Sunflower walked to the store. A didn't know what a was looking for, but a brought with am as service dog, and today, Sunflower feels happy with aself.

Sunflower walked to the store. Zhe didn't know what zhe were looking for, but zhe brought with zhim zher service dog, and today, Sunflower feels happy with zherself.

Sunflower walked to the store. Ae didn't know what ae were looking for, but ae brought with aer aer service dog, and today, Sunflower feels happy with aerself.

This is tough, man xDD


(Ty <3)
OKay! I think I've figured it out:
But I know that's kinda complicated, so I'm good with 'they' pronouns as well :)
We'll try these for a while anyways :D