forum Help i need help
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Deleted user

I need help with math

I have 5+ assinments to do help

But first i have to know what 15x9 is

Deleted user

Thank you

To specify all of this work is Geometry and I’m drowning in stress

Deleted user

but i am so confused ;u;

i don’t have my Geo teacher to ask questions yet I’m saving it until I have free time at school to ask upperclassmen.

So I’m pretty much just trying to finish classwork/bookwork and saving other stuff like worksheets for free time at school.

Why did i tell you that i don’t know

Deleted user

This is probably super dumb auestion to ask but I’m tired

What’s 150/3?

also thanks Rvan!

Deleted user

thank you so much, i think my fingers are going numb i’m so tired.

Also that’s a big mood xD

Deleted user

lol, and I just read it a second time…

multiplying 5x6 six

My life in a few words XD


Deleted user

Just from the title I knew it was gonna be math

Nah i finished the classwork. I just have worksheets that aren’t due until later (Friday to be exact).

Deleted user


But he updates grades every other Friday so if my grade remains as low as it is rn my parents are going to kick my ass.