forum Help! I’m indecisive!
Started by @Sugar-Lover

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I have to do a presentation on a book for English and present it to the class. I’ve narrowed it down to two books. The Third Twin by CJ Omololu and Autoboygraphy by Christina Lauren. I was originally planning on doing The Third Twin but then I read Autoboygraphy. I would prefer to do Autoboygraphy, but it has stuff in the book I would prefer not to present to the class. The stuff is nothing bad but it’s unavoidable because it’s the entire book, and I’m just an awkward bean. The Third Twin was a good book but I read it a little while ago, while Autoboygraphy is a great book and I read it like two days ago in a day, without putting it down.

So basically, should I do Autoboygraphy; the book I want to do, but not present to the class. Or The Third Twin; the book I was originally planning on doing and don’t mind presenting to the class?


First of all, what am I doing here, I'm the most indecisive person ever lol
But Autoboyography is basically my favorite book right now cuz it's just that good

Okay, well I think that if you really want to do Autoboyography, you should! It's a great book and unless, your class is homophobic, it shouldn't be too bad. Just stay away from some of the really inappropriate parts and you should be fine


That being said, if you feel uncomfortable presenting it then you should do The Third Twin. I've not read it but it seems interesting enough and it was your original idea.


What is in autoboygraphy that you don't want to present?

The book is gay. Like really gay. The main character is bi and that’s what the story is about, so it’s unavoidable. But I’m not sure exactly how my class would take it and all.


I think that it should be fine. I've been told the difference between a good and great presentation is the passion. So if The Third Twin bored you to death when you present it it isn't worth it.
On the other hand, if you really think your class will react badly to Autoboygraphy and you feel you absolutely couldn't stand there and talk about and it's just terrifying to think of then it isn't worth it.


But Autoboyography is basically my favorite book right now cuz it's just that good

That’s exactly why I want to chose that book. I read it really fast and I literally didn’t put it down once! One of my all time favorite books, if not my favorite.

Okay, well I think that if you really want to do Autoboyography, you should! It's a great book and unless, your class is homophobic, it shouldn't be too bad. Just stay away from some of the really inappropriate parts and you should be fine

I’m not sure how homophonic my class is in general. Some kids in my class I do know support LGBTQ+ but I’m not sure about others. But on top of that I go to a religious school so some kids might be raised very religious about their opinions on LGBTQ+.


That's something to take into account. But think of this…the only person you truly need to impress is your teacher. She's the one giving the grade, but you also don't want students to hate you…


I think that it should be fine. I've been told the difference between a good and great presentation is the passion. So if The Third Twin bored you to death when you present it it isn't worth it.

I was originally planning on doing my project on The Third Twin and I was super excited about it, so it wouldn’t be boring to do. It’s just that after reading Autoboyography it made me question my chose. I looked over what we had to do for the project this morning and all the stuff came so naturally for what I would do for Autoboygraphy, without even thinking about it. While on the other hand The Third Twin didn’t have answers that popped out at me. I don’t know if that makes sense lol. My passion says to go with Autoboygraphy, but I wouldn’t be bored with The Third Twin.

On the other hand, if you really think your class will react badly to Autoboygraphy and you feel you absolutely couldn't stand there and talk about and it's just terrifying to think of then it isn't worth it.

The thing is I don’t know how they’ll react. That’s what has got me worried. I feel as if for the project in and of its self I would love to do Autoboygraphy but for the presentation part I would love to do The Third Twin.


That's something to take into account. But think of this…the only person you truly need to impress is your teacher. She's the one giving the grade, but you also don't want students to hate you…

I’m pretty confident that I can do just as well with either book. The content I have to cover comes naturally to my brain for what I would answer for Autoboygraphy. But for The Third Twin I would have to give a little more thought into what I would say.


Then again high schoolers do seem to be some of the most immature people on this planet…

Also no matter how much we believe this I guarantee you every kid in your class has their own form of maturity and will be able to take what you have to say


That’s also true. Thank you guys for your help. The more I think about this project, the more I’m learning towards Autoboygraphy.