forum Help for building a relationship
Started by @ZenithWinters

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So I'm starting these characters off as friends, how many chapters in should I start giving hints that the characters might possibly have a small crush on each other?


I would say as soon as you think is right, you know your characters and how fast or slow they would move. If you don't know this information you should work a bit more on your characters.


It's hard to determine a set number of chapters. Just have them start hanging out more and more. They can start to light up when they see each other. Then, they can start noticing each other's cute habits, and become confused because "Hey, that wasn't that cute before." Then after a while, one or both can realize their feelings. then there's an awkward/cute period of always blushing around each other. Then the confession(s). Just remember not to take it too fast.

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I read something on a writer's blog that said there were 3 ways they used to show attraction between two characters:

  • They notice and remember little things about each other
  • They make life more convenient for each other
  • They learn something that matters to the other character


If the main focus of your story is their relationship, give it right on the beginning. If it's a sub-plot just give it time, give situations and experiences that show they care for each other. You can put it in between the chapters to warm things up a little bit, like embarrassing situations, failure and comforting, unconsiously showing they think about the other.
It's just my opinion for a compatible and believable couple, I hope it helps.