forum Help?
Started by @InfinityCry*

people_alt 2 followers


Sooooo… I was on tik tok ( dont judge me), and i got some new fans. There was this girl who started complimenting me, and thats fine, so we threw some compliments at each other, and then later a gave her my snapchat. So we joke around for a bit, and then later, on her profile there are videos with captions saying that she has a crush. (and i had a strange feeling about that.) It also turns out that she has depression. She sent me a goodbye letter, so i tried and talked her out of that.
Few moments later, what do you know? IM THE CRUSH! and i think that she is cute and all, but i wouldnt date anyone, even if tom hiddleston asked me out. So i let her down slowly.
Later, she tries to cut herself and shit, and i AGAIN try and talk her out of it. We talked for a while and i had to go to sleep. (it was about 2am)….
And now i feel really guilty, and horrible… HELP?


Hi… Shuri is here…

That's quite a predicament you have on tour hands, it seems.

The only good advice I can give, is sit down with them (virtually) and hsve a nice, long talk about it. Try to keep it as non-toxic and civil as you can. Try to find out if there's some sort of deeper meaning to this, and try to figure something out from there. If things begin to get toxic or uncivil, it's in everyone's best interests if you disconnect yourself from thst person as civilly and sternly ad possible without coming off as crass.

I hope this helped…

Deleted user

ah, i feel you. I had a …girlfriend of sorts one time on Instagram who I honestly didn’t like that much. We had never met, but she was always talking about flying over from China just to see me. I was a little freaked out, to say the least, but I felt bad becuase she was really suicidal and said she’d hurt herself if she “lost” me.
I ended up just telling her I didnt think I was ready for the type of relationship she wanted, and the deleteting my Instagram account.