forum Help…
Started by @Rvan group

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@Rvan group

For people who have depression…

You know when you’re having a bad day, no particular reason why you’re having a bad day, you just are.
And someone asks you how you’re day is going
And you tell them it’s been bad
Then they ask why
How can I respond to that?
I’ve just being having a rough week so far and I just don’t know what to tell people anymore…


Honestly, I would just tell them "fine" if they're random people/acquantances.
If they're close friends who care about you, tell them, "not very well" and when they ask why, you could tell them, "I'm just not feelin' it…"
or something.

I'm 890% sure that I'm younger than you, so take my advice with a grain of salt.

@Rvan group

They’re my really good friends… I don’t know what to do anymore, I want to tell them but I just don’t know how or what to say…


it kinda depends… if they know you have depression, then maybe just explain that it's a bad day because it is? and (wow hypocrite here) but if you haven't before, try having a serious talk about how sometimes you're just not okay and there are just bad days…
(im smol and suck at advice but here)

@Neon_Gravestones_Try_To_Call_For_My_Bones-(It's MK)

Um, I don't really tell people because I've found that most of the people in my life don't actually care and want to know…so I'm not one to talk, but my best friend, Isaac, can always tell when I'm having a bad day and he hug me and won't let me go until I tell him what's wrong. So…yeah…hugs actually help with depression so if you're comfortable with it, you could ask a good friend for a hug and then just explain that you needed a hug to help with a bad day. But, like I said before, you should tell someone. Don't be like me, tell someone and maybe get a hug if you can and are comfortable with it because it really does actually help…


Same my bestie knows when I’m having a bad day but I despise hugs. She tries to hug me to make me laugh which usually works cuz I get so annoyed at her freaking smug face and then I pout and she buys me chicken nuggets


Um, I don't really tell people because I've found that most of the people in my life don't actually care and want to know…so I'm not one to talk, but my best friend, Isaac, can always tell when I'm having a bad day and he hug me and won't let me go until I tell him what's wrong. So…yeah…hugs actually help with depression so if you're comfortable with it, you could ask a good friend for a hug and then just explain that you needed a hug to help with a bad day. But, like I said before, you should tell someone. Don't be like me, tell someone and maybe get a hug if you can and are comfortable with it because it really does actually help…

He sounds awesome :)