forum Help!
Started by ShepardSheep

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Heyo! My ELA teacher, 8th grade, is having the class write a Hero's Narrative Story! I'm having a bit of trouble thinking of a plot, and designing my character fluently.
Hero's Archetype:
Call to Adventure : The story’s exposition introduces the hero, and soon the hero’s normal life is disrupted. Something changes; the hero faces a problem, obstacle, or challenge.
Refusal to Call: At first the hero is reluctant to accept the change. Usually this reluctance presents itself as second thoughts or personal doubt. Hesitation, whether brief or lengthy, humanizes the hero for the reader.
Beggining of Adventure: The hero finally accepts the call and begins a physical, spiritual, and/or emotional journey to achieve a boon, something that is helpful or beneficial.
Road of Trials: The story develops rising action as the hero faces a series of challenges that become increasingly difficult as the story unfolds.
Unconditional Love: This love often drives the hero to continue on the journey, even when the hero doubts him/herself.
Ultimate Boon: CLIMAX! Action!
Refusal of Return:The falling action begins as the hero begins to think about the Return. Sometimes the hero does not want to look back after achieving the boon. Sometimes the hero likes the “new world” better.
The Magic Flight: For some heroes, the journey “home” (psychological or physical) can be just as dangerous as the journey out. Forces (sometimes magical or supernatural) may keep the hero from returning. (Similar to Road of Trials)
Rescue from Without:Just as it looks as if the hero will not make it home with the boon, the hero is “rescued.” The rescuer is sometimes the same person who provided love or support throughout the journey.
The Crossing or Returning to Threshold:The final step is the story’s resolution, when the hero returns with the boon. The theme is typically revealed at this point.

Alrighty that is the Hero's Archetype. Now the lead character/Hero is a female. Alycia Marie Courtly. Can anyone give me like a list of things to fill out to design my character or something?