forum Hello
Started by @desperate_writer

people_alt 10 followers


It's so nice to have something all organized and convenient. I usually write down whatever I think about my characters and stories on random bits of paper I have on hand and put them all in a folder later, but it's super hard to find stuff and sometimes I lose 'em lol


i just started like,, 5 minutes ago. i previously didnt have any way do get out all of my ideas for my underdeveoped characters. it seems like this is gonna be very helpful!


YES! I'm so unorganized. Also, does anybody else when they get an idea in the middle of the night, HAVE to get out of bed and write it down because they'll forget it in the morning?


ugh, that happens to me all the time! i've lost a ton of awesome ideas because i've been too lazy to get out of bed and write them down.