forum Hello fellow kids...
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@The_Lavender_Owl Vaguely, I remember playing the online game, constantly forgetting my usernames and passwords, having to start all the way from the beginning every time I played

Deleted user

My power goes off for four hours and this thread erupts.

Deleted user

@MiBoiSycore The anatomy is a little inconsistent and it could use some less sketching (tracing it with pen, for example), but it's not bad

Deleted user

I don't want to ruin it. Pens are unerasable.
Thanks for the tip. This is the best peice I've done so far, i honestly suck at art.
Where is the anatomy inconsistent the most?

"Silly me. I thought I had it
I came so close this time"


Also, at the beginning of this thread, I said I drew something.
I wanted to share it so here! The lighting sucks. T-T

I think it’s really good. I agree with @Winter that you should use something to trace it with. Maybe Sharpie? But I understand that you don’t want to make a mistake.

Deleted user

@MiBoiSycore When I say the anatomy is "wrong" I am referring to the arms. For starters, they seem inconsistent in both length and thickness. And it seems as though you are using the skateboard and pants pocket as an excuse so you don't have to draw the hands. I can understand if this is your best drawing and you don't want to ruin it by making mistakes with pen, then I suggest drawing/ sketching several other characters and practice tracing from there

Deleted user

Thank you. That was ill sketched of me. Should've seen that coming! ~_~'
I'll work on pre-sketching the hands before adding things in front of them.
I also see what you mean with the arms now. That's really bad.

Deleted user

Hey, I made a picture to, give me awhile to put it up!