forum Have you ever had entire conversations with yourself?
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 6 followers

Deleted user

I'm pretty sure alot or people,if not everyone, talks to themselves. I sometimes have imaginary fights with a persona I created in my head, and let me tell you, they can be s a v a g e🔥🔥
I've gotten offended with these "myself/brain/imaginary people" more than once. 😂

So I'm just wondering if y'all have had anything similar happen to you.

Deleted user

Sometimes the imaginary person I'm arguing with insults me with a really good comeback, and I'm just like


And then I have to realize that I am arguing with myself irl 😂😂

@faltering-through pets

Dude, I do this all the time, my mom thinks I'm crazy at this point and gives me the whole "Other people don't talk to themselves" speech which I have to gather the strength not to tear my ears off for

Deleted user

Wow, having a conversation with yourself is kinda natural for people to do I think… especially for creative people.

Deleted user

It kinda like remembering something funny at a random time and chuckling at it. I think alot of people do that, so I do not beleive that talking a bit with yourself is weird in the slightest. If everybody is weird, that makes us "weird" people "normal".


Yeah…same…although in my arguments I am the savage one. I seriously need help ._. I'm like 'Okay, I'm in high school I have to be mature now,' blah blah blah, all that crap AND THEN I go home, take a shower and have a stupid argument in my head….