forum Have you ever been catcalled?
Started by @InfinityCry*

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@Becfromthedead group

I was about 15, I think, and I was with my mother. I haven't been catcalled a whole lot, but when I have been, it's always been a guy/group of guys in a truck driving by, which makes it even more disgusting and cowardly, since they won't even show their face.

@Becfromthedead group

I just hate when adults catcall minors… like that's actually the worst. Tbh there should be legal punishment when you're a fully grown man and you're telling a young girl how hot she is. Like no. She's a child and that's disgusting.


i got catcalled today.. there was a group of guys who were like 18, and they started talking to me and whistling. i just ignored them and looked at my phone.


I just hate when adults catcall minors… like that's actually the worst. Tbh there should be legal punishment when you're a fully grown man and you're telling a young girl how hot she is. Like no. She's a child and that's disgusting.

i know right?!

@Becfromthedead group

i got catcalled today.. there was a group of guys who were like 18, and they started talking to me and whistling. i just ignored them and looked at my phone.

That's probably the best thing you can do.


i got catcalled today.. there was a group of guys who were like 18, and they started talking to me and whistling. i just ignored them and looked at my phone.

That's probably the best thing you can do.

probably… but what annoys be the most, that guys like them, think its funny or "cool" to catcall girls. they dont understand, how uncomfortable it makes us

@Imperfect_Autumn group

I, personally, haven't ever been catcalled.
But… When you're at the state fair and your friend asks if you saw the guy in a blue shirt behind you, then you tell her that no, you haven't, and she says, "Well, he was totally checking you out," that's really awkward. Especially if guys don't check you out. Ever. And he was drinking. (But at least he wasn't super old!)


okay, so, one time i was at a fast food restaurant. i was taking my trash out, when again, some 16-18 years old guys were "checking me out". it made me super uncomfortable, and i was happy that i knew what was going on, so i gave them a death stare and walked off. my friend found it funny, and i laughed with her, but i was actually confused

@Becfromthedead group

OH! Story time! We went out to eat before Junior prom, and I was wearing a backless, sleeveless blue dress with a slit up the thigh. And I dropped something and bent over to pick it up, which made the slit over my leg rise a bit higher than it's supposed to. Apparently this middle-aged man at the table next to us was checking me out, so as we left the restaurant, my boyfriend "accidentally" elbowed him in the back of the head.
But yeah, guys my age don't ever check me out so that was an experience.


My first public experience was at 14. I wasn't exactly catcalled, I was groped by an older guy at a football game while I was in a line to get snacks.

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Once, when I was, like, fourteen or fifteen or something, I was at a church event open to the public, and I was sitting outside at a table by myself. This guy came over – he was the son of a visiting pastor and his wife, I think – and said he liked my shirt (it was a Lion King shirt, lol). We started talking, and he asked how old I was. After telling him, he said he had thought I was, like, 18… With a laugh, I said that's what people usually said about my younger sister. My stepdad came over, and the guy just looked so uncomfortable when I introduced him. My stepdad had a weird look on his face that I didn't even realize until after the fact, and he was probably feeling protective. Lol.

I told my friends about it the next day, and one of them goes, "Oh, he was totally flirting with you!" I'm just like… What?

So… I'm oblivious (or was, it hasn't happened since… that I know of…) to guys flirting with me… Lol.

@Becfromthedead group

Gross. I'm lucky enough to never have been touched like that. Worst I've had is maybe a guy was flirting with me and playfully touched my shoulder but I didn't want to be touched.
Also to older guys who do this, they should know better. It doesn't matter what the person you catcalled/groped/checked out was wearing. You're an adult, she's a child. Just no.