forum Has Anyone Read the Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer?!
Started by @BookAddict

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I read the series in 5th grade and I didn't know that you were supposed to read Fairest before Winter so I read Winter then Fairest


Mood swings aren't caused by puberty. They're caused by books.
One minute I'm fangirling SUPER hard and grinning like a madman because of Winter and Jacin's kiss. Then I turn the page and I start crying because Jacin killed Ryu.


I think it would be fine. My sister started Cinder and liked it (at least I think she did), and she's 9, so…

She also (BEFORE finishing Cinder or the rest of the series) read both Wires and Nerve books and I was so mad at her because you can't just do that. It's wrong