forum Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

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Hello, darlings, it's me, Shuri, here to help you, and celebrate an American holiday that's been turned into a day of feasting and other less marketable stuff… And well, it's been a helluva ride… So strap in and let's get on with it…
I remember finding this site, maybe a month after its beginning, and I remember how different it was compared to how it is now. It was many times smaller, much more niche. It was absolutely perfect. I remember the OG's, each one of them, and I remember SuperWhoLock was always a cornerstone of the site… Since then it has grown, it is larger, sleeker, and though it has been scarred by tragedies, it is still an amazing thing to behold… a bustling place full of kind, funny, unique people… AND… I'm here to show you all just how thankful I am…
Each one of you is kind, funny, beautiful, talented, wonderful, amazing, unique, special and a total genius! You've all been through so much and seeing you grow as people has made me so, so, so, so, so, so proud! Each one of you is infused with the divine spark of Zeus, your souls so great. I'm grateful and thankful to have met each and every single one of you. I'll try my best to make your lives bearable, and no matter what, I'll see that I help you with anything you need. I'd like to be the light at the end of your “Tunnel of Depression”, your raft in the “River of Anxiety”, and your rope to climb the vast mountain of shit you have ahead of you… I hope we can all be here to support each other, and to be supported by our friends, and I would again like to thank you all… I'd also like to say that I value each one of you. You are all precious to me.

Happy Thanksgiving…

Deleted user

I'm thankful for you too, you and the others on this site have kept me from self-harm and suicide.


I am thankful that I have gained so much confidence in myself since last year. I was sad and insecure for years, until I made new friends that care about me and put myself in a better environment. It’s been a long journey to get where I am today, and could have never done it by myself. I am thankful for my grandmother, who pays my tuition, my best friend for sticking with me, and all my more casual friends for being good people and open to listening even though we aren’t very close.

I am also thankful for the $74 I have saved up and the Hot Topic Black Friday sale right now so I can sink more money into band merch.

Deleted user

I'm thankful for and all the helpful people in it! Happy Turkey Day!!!

Deleted user

Happy to meet you too! Hope we can talk and roleplay in the future! 😊