Started by @KawaiiCuteness003

people_alt 58 followers


We should also have a list of people participating in here and cross out names of people who have been discovered so that we actually have a winner. People can join before a certain date (I'm thinking Oct 15?) And after that they cant


So we should have a thingy of rules:


  • Anyone who wants to participate has to "register" on this rp by simply filling out a short form by October ___, 2019
  • only people who participate can guess the true identities of other participants so we have a clear winner
  • once your identity has been revealed, you must change your "costume" enough to tell others you have been "outed"
  • the winner will be determined by the last standing person or if applicable, the one who has revealed the most identities
  • the prize will be ________
  • Guessing is only done here and a person has a minimal number of guesses. For example:
    A has used all of their guesses and forgot that they have none left. They accidentally guess another person's costume and get it right. The others cannot guess that persons costume and that person will get the chance to change their costume if they like however they will have 1 hour to do so or else they will be out


Guessing is only done here and a person has a minimal number of guesses. For example:
A has used all of their guesses and forgot that they have none left. They accidentally guess another person's costume and get it right. The others cannot guess that persons costume and that person will get the chance to change their costume if they like however they will have 1 hour to do so or else they will be out

Make sense?

@EmptyNebula group

Aye, what if we also either delete all our posts prior to the costume change or make a new chat after so no one can guess based on looking back at what you said.