forum Hamilton Song Train
Started by @iEchoX

people_alt 63 followers


Meet the latest graduate of King's College
I prob'ly shouldn't brag but dag I amaze and astonish


The scholars say I got the same virtuosity and brains as my pops.
The ladies say my brains not where the resemblance stops.


Shh! I'm tryin' to watch the show!
You should've watched you mouth before you talked about my father though.
I didn't say anything that wasn't true. Your father's a scoundrel and so it seems are you.


See you on the dueling ground! That is unless you wanna step outside and go now.
I know where to find you piss off I'm watching the show now.


I came to ask you for advice.
This is my very first duel.
They don't exactly cover this subject in boarding school.


Did your friend attempt to negotiate a peace?
He refused to apologize, we had to let the peace talks cease.
Where is this happening?
Across the river in Jersey


Alright. So this is what you’re gonna do.
Stand there like a man until Eacker is in front of you
When the time comes, fire your weapon in the air
This will put an end to the whole affair


But if he decides to shoot then I'm a gonner.
No, He'll follow suit if he's truly a man of honor.
To take someone's life, that is something you can't shake.
Phillip, your mother can't take another heartbreak.