Started by @Leo-Valdez-Is-The-God-Of-Chaos

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@The-Magician group

I'm still not sure what you mean by the first question, so I can't really answer.
The second one: Portsmouth, London, Southampton, Bristol, Plymouth, Cardiff, Swansea, Birmingham, Belfast, Liverpool, Hull, Coventry, Glasgow, Manchester and Sheffield.

@The-Magician group

Basically, there are nuclear warheads all over the world. Including here in England. If someone nukes us, we nuke them.
The doctrine is called Mutually Assured Destruction.


Hey this is kind of random but how do British people see America? like, it's a big country out here. do you have different stereotypes of americans by state or area that they live in? is it even common to acknowledge that usa exists?

@The-Magician group

I mean if I'm honest, we can't seem to escape talk about the USA.
Stereotypes I guess are that rednecks are incestuous and that most Americans are fat or generally unhealthy.
I was having a discussion with my friend group about the US, and the common things that occurred were its corrupt government, the fact that health care isn't free, and that there are no kinder eggs. For some reason, no kinder eggs really bugs us.
I once went on a rant about America, but the kinds of things I said are not appropriate to say in a public thread.


Well the whole redneck thing isn't far away no matter where you go, but I don't know about fat. most people over forty seem to be fairly overweight, but anyone younger than that is almost always built like a beanpole, at least where I live. and corrupt government is mostly just talk, we're pretty alright when it isn't election year. healthcare isn't free bc americans really like having low taxes, even if it means high medical bills. also, americans are bugged by no kinder eggs too.

@The-Magician group

Well, in all the schools that I went to, the American Revolution wasn't part of the History lessons.
I'm assuming that our government doesn't think it's important enough to be worth learning about.
I know what happened, but that is only through my own research.

@The-Magician group

Well I personally don't take offense, I mean we are in Europe for the time being, but I think it would be safer/better to refer to Britons as British (since we are from Britain). And I don't mind being asked questions.

@The-Magician group

Again, we don't learn about that either. We know it happened, but we don't really talk about it.
Things to do with America don't really come up in our education.
When I was in History back in high school, the only things we learned about regarding America started with the Wall Street Crash. We learned about Nixon, Roosevelt, Reagan, Hoover, JFK, MLK, The New Deal, Little Rock, the bus boycott… All boring stuff you know. Basically we only learned about what happened between 1929 and 1980