forum Halloween Countdown
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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I don't know at the moment. I have a pretty good Captain Jack Harkness cosplay from my most recent ComicCon, but I honestly have no idea.

Deleted user

I really need to watch Doctor Who

wA1t y0u hAv3n'T wAtCh3d iT y3t? y0u mUsT d0 s0 n0w!!!!! Sorry, it's a really good show, I kinda go into fangirl mode every time it's mentioned. You really should see it, I actually really love Classic and the little known, non canon part, SOTS. Anyways, please allow me my eccentricities, once you see the show you'll really like it I think. Rant over now, Impossible out.

Deleted user

Gonna be my fav character from my fav show

Which is?

Castiel (Supernatural)

Ooh, that sounds like a cool costume. Are you gonna do the wings?


Gonna be my fav character from my fav show

Which is?

Castiel (Supernatural)

Ooh, that sounds like a cool costume. Are you gonna do the wings?

I don’t think so, even though that’d be pretty cool
I do have an awesome trenchcoat though

Deleted user

I’m sure I’d love it if I actually got around to watching it, and it’d be the final piece of Superwholock for me

Yeah, if you ever find Classic, I recommend Logopolis, then just watch 5's era. I really liked Survival, kinda wish it was a 5th Doctor story instead of 7th tho, because…. reasons. I need to write a fanfic about this…. anyways, where was I? Oh, right, Classic. Hard to find, but the reboot was spectacular in my opinion. Except the episode Love And Monsters. That one I kinda…. cringe. Also, the Torchwood spin-off is brilliant, just saying. You'll probably really enjoy the show, I know I do.

Deleted user

Gonna be my fav character from my fav show

Which is?

Castiel (Supernatural)

Ooh, that sounds like a cool costume. Are you gonna do the wings?

I don’t think so, even though that’d be pretty cool
I do have an awesome trenchcoat though
