forum Guys, I need help. What do you do if you know you're going to be homeless? Asking for a friend.
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people_alt 43 followers

Deleted user

I'm not asking for a friend, actually. I lied. But I can't stay at my home anymore. My parents are acting abusive, in all aspects of verbally, physically, and emotionally. I need help. I can't stay anymore and I think they're going to disown me anyways, and I don't have anyone I can go to for help. I just need advice, since I'm not going to be around here much more and I'm struggling a lot right now. If anyone know how to help me, that would be welcome.

Deleted user

I would have responded sooner, but parental difficulties. (No where near as bad as yours must be if this is your situation)
Anyway, my first question, is where else can you stay? Do you have a friend who can house me safely?
Secondly, what is winter like? Is it super windy? Is it super snowy?
Also, can you get a source of income? Job?
(Also how old are you? Cause that will also affect things.)

As for advice, (no I am not a homeless person, but my mom and I have random talks and this was a subject once)
Know where the cheap laundromats are. You will need to do laundry.
Know where you can shower for free, (Community centers?)
Stay clean, so you don't get sick.
If you can, bring a tarp, rope, and a good knife, as well as a charger cord for your phone, cause that will be useful too…. (you don't need a data plan for wifi access, I think?)
Also have a good sleeping bag, and something to keep your stuff in.
Know where to get food.
Conserve your supplies, and don't waste anything.
Splash pads would be a good place to clean up.
Uhm…. basically just ask yourself how you would stay safe, and what you absolutely need? And look for other options first…

Deleted user

I wish you luck! (Hope this helps??) Also please note I am no expert, this is just my line of thought…. I hope you find a better way out….

Deleted user

I have a few additional tips:

  • Stock up on things that are lightweight and nonperishable (Breakfast/granola bars, trail mix, ramen, etc)
  • Libraries will let you stay as long as you're decently groomed and quiet. This will offer shelter in bad weather and a quiet, climate-controlled place to stay for a while
  • Get. A. Job. Anything from walking dogs to working at Mcdonalds will work because ANY income is better than NO income
  • Google local shelters while the internet is still readily available. They may seem scary but they offer a place to sleep and many try to provide food to people staying there

@saor_illust school

Oh shiiiitakee mushrooms, I'm sorry about your situation. If at all possible I would recommend staying with a friend at first to get your bearings, and that will give you at least a day or so to do a bit of research. And a job, yes even a small one will work. (Your age does affect my opinions. If you are too young to get a job, well, I would recommend staying with friends as long as possible, until you can find a decent employer that will hire you, or until you are of age. However, if you're older than that, then all of the above Everwolf recommended)


Hey there. Let's think this through before you jump into anything. How old are you? Do you have relatives you could talk to about this? Friends? Is there anyone who would be willing to listen to you/let you stay with them? Are you in school? College? All of these factors are extremely important to consider before you attempt running away.

Deleted user

I would suggest trying to talk to your folks, or if you have a therapy hotline you can call, call them. I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding with your folks, and if you run away (if you are young enough) they will want you back.


How old are you? Because if you call Child Protective Services ith almost any complaint at all, they will come to your house and do a search. Then, if everything works out, your parents will get in trouble and you might not have to be homeless at all, just in foster care until they find some family you can live with.
I will say though, depending on where you would get sent, not all foster homes treat the children well and it may end up similar to your original problem
Plus you would likely move schools or something

I am not an expert and don't claim to be, but I am well-informed because my mom is a paralegal and her boss deals mainly with this kind of stuff

@HighPockets group

Definitely talk to someone first and see if there's literally any other solution, for starters.

Also see if you can find a place that serves meals for free, my town has one and it serves a hot meal once a week and you can talk leftovers. Try and get a job if you can, especially if you know someone who can get you in. Libraries are very good, they have computers, heating/cooling, bathrooms, water, sometimes food, and an infinite source of entertainment.

@Shadow_Knight group

Please before you do anything contact Child Protective Services. They can help you. If that's not an option while you are in the house than do it once you are out of it. Or go to the police. I know I'm not the most educated but before you do anything try that please.