forum Gosh Darn Writer's Block/ Please Aid!!!
Started by @joufflucharlie

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I haven't sat down and legitimately written anything for at least a couple of months, and I visibly cringe every time I open my project and look at some of my older writing. How do I come back to/move forward with writing from here? Also, I'm starting to think my writing style is too wordy to make it engaging, so tips for fixing that are also appreciated!


My advice is to allot some time one weekend and just write. Don’t worry about the wordiness or the faceless audiences: that will freak you out. Just put something on the paper. Later, (like the next day,) go through and edit. Fix the big words and make them little. Thats what I do :)


Or you could even make a point to write something everyday. It doesn't have to be much, or very elegant, but getting used to putting words on paper helps a ton. And, truthfully, you can write about whatever you feel like. Story ideas, a sarcastic haiku, a journal or a rant, or even a scene you want to work out, you can write as little or as much as you want about whatever you want. Instead of worrying about what you should write, just writing whatever is on your mind can really loosen a block up.


If you need some motivation to write every day you can use Fighter's Block to set a word limit to your writing per day and you get to pretend to fight off monsters with words as a sword. Just a suggestion though.

CC Heart

Your writers block sounds like Project Fatigue to me. My advice would be to go do something totally different from the project that you hate looking at. Try fanfic or maybe to some single word prompts. Pull up a random word generator, pick one or two of your characters, and do a single sentence with the provided word.

That's what my soul sis did with me when I had bad writers block, just to keep my creativity up without worrying about how it would fit in the world or every other worry that invaded my mind and kept me from actually putting words down.