forum Good Day/ Bad Day
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

people_alt 2 followers


So basically, how you play is you list 3 good things about this day/ a recent day (specify the date) and 3 bad things about the same day. Example,

I ate carrots
I ate grapes
I got a dog
My bunny died.
I tripped.
I died.

Be actually serious. You may offer condolences or comments, but you must post a GD/BD. I found that this helps when you just wanna talk. If you have questions, just post em'!


Today (even though it’s not even noon

Gym was oddly really fun
I actually have money for lunch today
I wasn’t late for school
One of my friends is mad at me and may have bruised my arm
I have to use this disgusting mouthwash everyday
Honors English is boring and the teacher is meh


September 28-30

Best weekend of my life
Someone that I look up to called me pretty:)
We played a thousand games including giant battleship and I was the logkeeper and we won!

As soon as I got in the car to go home we began bickering
We’re moving :(
I missed sunday school (I love SS)