forum Give us some stories of nice people so that we can see that there is still hope in this world
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

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Every time my grandma sees me she gives me a pack of fruit snacks.
I'm in seventh grade.
And i'm sitting here on when I'm supposed to be doing school and I'm eating fruit snacks.
I love my grandma…



Speaking of fruit snacks…
Every year I go to a summer camp where we go and fix people's homes to make them safer and warmer. One year we were fixing the roof and front porch of this one man and his boyfriend's home. It was really hot that summer, but every day we would arrive to the house and the home owners would give us cold water and fruit snacks. There was even one day where the home owners weren't there, so their neighbors came over and gave us the water and fruit snacks that day.



That is perfect.

Once, at our local Target, there was a little boy giving out those junky plastic necklace things. He was like 6, and it was just so cute to see a little kid giving stuff away.

I took a necklace gladly :)


There's this guy in my town called Dr.Moon who has this really big hat that he wears and he just plays guitar and hands out smiley face stickers


EVERYONE ON HERE is a nice person. Each of ypu have done immeasurably great things despite the odds stacked against you. You've all accomplished a great deal… Snd I think it's safe to say that we can all find hope in eachother…


Misha Collins is awesome… I love this freaking guy so dsmn much.


it's halloween again and last year i met these little kids who actually came and talked to me! Like they were all "Whoa! What are you for Halloween? (I was Sam from Magnus Chase) I'm Thor and I'm a fireman!" and like it was adorable. One of the kids almost gave me their candy and i was like "no. i was attempting a joke." and it was great


Oh! Speaking of halloween…

A few years ago, I was a unicorn (cringy, I know), and this girl who was like 12-13-14 ish came up to me (I was like 8-9) and she said (and I quote), "Are you a unicorn? High five, I love unicorns!". And then she high-fived me. I haven't washed my hands since… (jk)


I used to CIT at a daycare and this one kid made art for me and my whole family (which he had never met)

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it's halloween again and last year i met these little kids who actually came and talked to me! Like they were all "Whoa! What are you for Halloween? (I was Sam from Magnus Chase) I'm Thor and I'm a fireman!" and like it was adorable. One of the kids almost gave me their candy and i was like "no. i was attempting a joke." and it was great

did you give them falafel


it's halloween again and last year i met these little kids who actually came and talked to me! Like they were all "Whoa! What are you for Halloween? (I was Sam from Magnus Chase) I'm Thor and I'm a fireman!" and like it was adorable. One of the kids almost gave me their candy and i was like "no. i was attempting a joke." and it was great

did you give them falafel

heh if i had some i would've but magnus ate it all