forum Give me your best pickup lines (not necessarily to me tho)
Started by @Jay-Marae-is-in-an-emotional-maze

people_alt 48 followers


I wanna hear some fun and witty pickup lines!
I'll go first.
The normal one: Call me a stormtrooper… cause I be missing you. <3
The 1 to 100 one: You're like my homework… cause I want to slam you on my table and do you all night.

@The-Magician group

Hmm… Do you go to church? Because I’ll keep you on your knees all night.
They call me coffee because I’ll keep you up past 2AM. (That one is actually true. In my friend group I’m known as coffee and I have a habit of keeping people up until like 2am, if not later)

Deleted user

my friend and i throw this one at one at each other, it's a good platonic one
hey bro, did you get a new flashlight? oh never mind, that's just you lighting up my world

this is one crowded room, but as long as i have a face you'll have a spot to sit


One thing my ex and I used to do was take the "Hey, are you from Tennessee?" line, but do it with other places so it's completely nonsensical.

"Hey, are you from Manitoba? Cause you're the only Man-i-toba."

It's not the best, but we'd literally spend five minutes straight just laughing at ourselves over it

Deleted user

My friend sent this one to me as a joke:
Are you a math test? Cuz I'm gonna cheat on you >:)

Deleted user

My friend sent this one to me as a joke:
Are you a math test? Cuz I'm gonna cheat on you >:)

Is that… is that even a pick-up line? XD

anti pick-up line