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Started by @Vuclan-is-tired

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I'm just going to pop in, even though the only question my brain can think up is "Who here hates me", which isn't necessarily the happiest way to start a conversation

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Bye Ella.
I'm In NH, where we get snowed in and no one knows about. Yay!

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North Carolina. Snow doesn't exist, I have a fan blowing on me.

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I'm in Maryland. We freak out over a half of an inch of ice. And other times the roads are super duper slick from snow and we don't go home early -.-


I'm over in the northern mountains of California where we experience all 4 seasons, it just takes a while to kick in. I usually visit Oregon every year or so over the summer with my family and we like to visit the coast.

@AloeVera groupMentallyImInACottage

The state I live in is constant anxiety (also known as Texas uwu)

Yooo another from the yee haw state!

aaayyyyyy since everyone's talkin about snow i'll go ahead and say Snow Is A Legend and only appears for one day in the year,,,,,,,,as I write this it is 33 degrees w a precipitation chance of 2% just like milk anyway could someone please share their snow with us it's the only thing that will make this dead coldness better (ok i know 33 isn't cold for u northerners but have you considered this: i don't care bc i'm still cold)

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It has gotten into the 80's down here for a few days.

@AloeVera groupMentallyImInACottage

y'all,,,,,,it was 70 last week
50 was the low the other day
now 50 is the high today
i'm,,,,sobbing,,,,,Texas really just pmsing and we all gotta deal with it

@TeamMezzo group

(I have not had enough snow this year. I find it scary if we never get at least 3 feet of snow.)

(i think indiana stole it we've had all snow all of 2019)


(I have not had enough snow this year. I find it scary if we never get at least 3 feet of snow.)

(i think indiana stole it we've had all snow all of 2019)

winter was like oh shit forgot all the 2018 snow JUST DUMP IT ON INDIANA THERE THAT'S GOOD OKAY MY JOB'S DONE oh wait we've got like 10 more weeks of winter BITTER COLD CRAP

@TeamMezzo group

(I have not had enough snow this year. I find it scary if we never get at least 3 feet of snow.)

(i think indiana stole it we've had all snow all of 2019)

winter was like oh shit forgot all the 2018 snow JUST DUMP IT ON INDIANA THERE THAT'S GOOD OKAY MY JOB'S DONE oh wait we've got like 10 more weeks of winter BITTER COLD CRAP

that or ice rain