forum General Application Survey
Started by @PsychoBacon86

people_alt 2 followers


Hey guys. Looking to get some ideas from everyone on here. Obviously you all love because you are here and you are involved in the forums.

What I want to know is what sort of features and content do you look for in your world building applications?
What makes so great?
What could be improved upon?
What would you like to see?

Share your thoughts and ideas. I'd love to see how we can improve the application!


I love this site so much, it has helped improve my writing immensely! The forums are fantastic for getting ideas out and helping others, but I feel that premium is a bit strange. Sure, it helps you guys keep the lights on, but I don't like having so many different categories locked behind a paywall. There are so many things I WANT to do, but they're currently beyond my means (read: unemployed high school student). I feel that some of these categories should be made available to everyone slowly over time, but still keep the bandwidth limit on for those not on premium. There are also a few other features that would be nice for the site, namely a night mode and some sort of improved lobby for roleplays. I find it inconvenient to have to reload every few seconds to see what the other participants have said, and it would be nice to have a "this user is typing" bubble, like on a phone. This would make faster-paced ones so much easier to keep up with. To be honest, I'd like that to be the case for EVERY forum lobby!