forum Gay... j-just gay.
Started by @CearBare

people_alt 36 followers

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are you one of us?

I very much am.
Whats popping? Local demiboy and queer in general pal here.

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Going in the car to see a preformance of Flashdance.

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I had no idea what it was before my mum told me.

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Do you know about the Heathers musical?

Of course I do.

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I love meant to be yours, but Big Fun is my fave.


Hey look what I just made up:
Some asshole at my school who I hate and will not name: Why can't bi people just pick a gender?
Me: ahem
I want you to die
And I ain't gonna lie
I think you know why
I can like a girl and a guy
Cuz I'm bi


Oh my god, that's actually a true story (not the rhyme part but you know) this kid, who has before made comments about my body literally gags. I was in resource and I overheard him talking about how why can't bisexuals just pick a side and all that shit. He compared it to flipping pizza toppings. For Hell's sake, that's why I can get a pizza with two different toppings!