forum Fun Life Stories
Started by @CharBar

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So basically, I was just wanting to hear some of your crazy/ridiculous/hilarious life stories! I need a laugh. Have fun!


I will go first. This one time in seventh grade, my core teacher was mumbling an opera song while we were doing work. Not that loud, but we were all working so we all kind of heard it and just ignored it. Later in the day, some highschool kids were peeking through the door and/or just standing in the door (this is actually pretty normal for our school because a lot of the former students like to come back and visit younger siblings or teachers that they liked). Again, no one really payed attention to them, except for me and a couple of other kids stealing glances at the door. A few minutes later, we here a distant sound of someone playing music on their phone, and one of the smaller highschool girls literally KICKS OPEN THE DOOR and they all come in (about seven of them) singing the opera part of Bohemian Rhapsody. All the students started laughing, and my teacher just looked really embarrassed as the high schoolers were just like "MAMA MIA MAMA MIA, MAMA MIA LET HIM GOOOO!!!" It was great.