forum fuck this
Started by @SaltyLasagna

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this is a rant bc I don't want to bother my friends about it but I'm so fucking tired of being screamed at by my family for stupid shit. I love my brother but I'm fucking tired of taking care of him day and night just because they don't want to. I'm tired of feeling like I'm walking on eggshells because I don't know who's going to snap next. I'm so fucking tired of being put down and harassed and not being able to say or do shit about it because if I do they put me through hell. But they tell me what they're doing isn't wrong. They're family, they're supposed to break me down so I can get used to being hurt. No. Fuck that. They're family and they're supposed to be there for me when nobody else is. But they're not.

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SaltyLasaga I get it. I so get it.

Every day my younger sister gets to watch videos on MY old phone, and meanwhile, I hardly get three hours to use the laptop. I have to do the dishes, and if I leave a single one in the damn sink I get yelled at for "Half-assing" it and getting grounded. I can't forget shit, OH NO What a SIN to forget to do simple goddamn things while I'm running around being the maid of the house. My mom's never home (she's a bitch thank fuck) and my dad's a lazy asshole who CLEARLY favors my sister over myself. I hate living with this family, and I feel like I don't fit in at all. They yell at me constantly for shit I either didn't do or trying to correct my sister on behaviors that… she shouldn't be having! She's an entire problem on her own, and I hate her so much my hands start shaking whenever I have to take care of her.

I get it.


To tell you the truth, I've never experienced anything like that. Ever. So I can only imagine what it must be like for you. I'm so sorry (as I type that I remember Jace saying something about how it's so weird that mundanes always apologize for something they have no control over lol). If there's anything I can do to help you through this, please tell me.

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I can relate.
My parents and the rest of my family hates me because I have dark skin, I'm a little overweight, I have glasses, and I have acne, while my aunt's face is covered with acne and my grandfather has dark skin. Then when I try to tell them it's my natural skin color now they say, "No! You just have a tan because when you were younger you had light skin!" and my mom doesn't understand the fact that not everyone looks the same from when they were a baby then she says it's MY fault I have acne when I can't even control it. So now I'm supposed to do all these things that will make me 'perfect' even though I'm perfectly fine not doing them. And whenever I ask her if she likes me or not she only says yes on the days I did something good like following her orders or something and she'll yell at me when I didn't even do anything.

I probably look like a brat right now but I needed to tell all of that to someone.

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WOW Holy crap Qxeen! That's awful. If you need anything, you have a real family in all of us, and same goes for you, SaltyLagasna.


I'm sorry you guys, I know it's really really hard but I hope we all make it through this together. For me it's only two years before I'm 18 and I can finally get out of this house and go out on my own, and that's the one thing that's keeping me somewhat sane

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Oh god, I plan to move out as soon as 18 hits. My best friend has offered that I move in with her, and I turn 15 in October, so three years to wait. That's a helluva long time, but I can't wait until that day either.

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Well, Qxeen us three'll always be here for each other, and until we're all 18 will we spilt off from one another.


Queen you can double up credits for high school and graduate a year earlier. I would say the same for the rest of you but it would be harder since you’re further into college, but who says it can’t be done

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waiiit what are you trying to say, Suga? The legal age that a child is allowed to leave their parent's house is 18.

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I will be here for you two, and anyone else who may need me. I am Mother Figure (who has a few problems of her own).

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You can move to college far far away from parents

I'm not smart enough for that, I don't think. fart noise


You can move to college far far away from parents

I'm not smart enough for that, I don't think. fart noise

You just need to work hard and have perseverance. You don’t need to be smart, just double up your classes instead of a study hall to earn more credits.

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You can move to college far far away from parents

I'm not smart enough for that, I don't think. fart noise

You just need to work hard and have perseverance. You don’t need to be smart, just double up your classes instead of a study hall to earn more credits.

i already have one math credit and i'm taking an AP US History class this year…

so if I were to pass the final exam, I would get TWO History credits?