forum fuck life
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Deleted user

Why am I even doing this? sigh (It's bc I need to rant to someone on something) So, hey, i'm Qxeenscryche but ppl call me Qxeen or Queen and this is my life…? Idek anymore. So, I was born into a family where everyone loved me, my life was great. Until I moved to America, my grades went down the drain, I couldn't focus on jack shit. It was like my family were robots or something, it's like they turned on anyone who dipped below the 'perfect' mark. Every single day, they would point of every single detail that was bad about me, my face, my body, everything. They did it. Every. Single. Day. On top of that they say that I'm supposed to act like a 'lady' which means that I'm supposed to sound 'innocent' instead of what I normally sound like, they say I apparently normally sound like a dog? They say I act like a man. So, now that I'm below the 'perfect' mark, I'm supposed to do all this stuff that is supposedly going to get me to be 'perfect' even though I'm perfectly fine not doing them. Then the time when my cousin was born…dear lord I hated that time. Everyone looked past me or through me like I was some ghost and I was supposed to act more 'mature' bc I had to for my cousin. Now that she's growing, they use me as the person that you shouldn't be, like every time my aunt calls she always points at me and goes "Look at her, you shouldn't be like her. Why? Because she has dark skin, acne, her grades her terrible, and she's fat. Overall, she's ugly." It's not exactly what she said but that's what she means. My parents think I'm this cold-hearted bitch that doesn't give a fuck about anyone unless they're keeping me alive. I found out my aunt has depression and they're trying to help her but now they're even meaner to me.

So, uhm, ye, sorry about the post. Just needed to talk to someone, I'm srry.

@Rvan group

I’m so sorry, gosh that sucks. That’s so, just, ugh. That’s really terrible. I’m sorry you have to deal with that @Qxeenscryche I wish I could do something more. It sounds terrible

Deleted user

thats really fucking sucky?? I'm really sorry you had to deal with that. You can always talk to us if you need to, and you should never ever feel bad about ranting!!!! its good for your soul


Qxeen, first of all, although you might not want to hear it, cause everyone else says it, but still I am very truly sorry. Second of all, just ignore all the talk. Girl, you have got this! It doesn't matter how you look, you still have a beautiful and unique personality! Also, it's good you have friends, find those people who don't care how you act, look, or even how your grades are. Just find those people who will take you as who you are, and stick with them. One last thing and most importantly; believe in yourself! Proudly express yourself. :) Don't change the colorful and beautiful person you are. (Also remember: no body is perfect!) :D

Deleted user

Update on my probably not so important life: If I apparently miss two assignments this year, I'm going back to where I was born and I would stay in a place that is practically hell. On top of that, if my grades aren't above -A I'd be sent back to hell. It's like I'm this doll that they send back and forth, not letting her have any friends or have a stable life. Once, I accidentally said that I hated weekends, which is when my dad comes home, and now he keeps pestering me so much. And my mom keeps saying that if I don't do something she'll tell my dad and I'm thinking that she can't be independent. I hate this.

Deleted user

Same here, ik the fact that my parents only care about how I look and how my grades are but every time they say it. It hurts so much.