I want a place to Infodumps about stuff (Mostly cartoons and podcasts) so this is where I'm gonna post them! If I'm talking about spoilers, I'll put a spoiler warning at the top of the post. If anyone wants to talk about the stuff on here, I'd love to!
Spoilers for Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur up to s2 ep18!
When I realized what this episode was about, I was NOT excited, because when most shows have a 'period episode', it doesn't have any plot relevance and all the jokes are based off embarrassing the main character. However, MG&DD did this episode SO. WELL. Lunella getting her first period reminded the audience that Lunella really is just 13, and that her mom really does have a good reason to be worried about her kid.
The episode also does have plot relevance, because it has Lunella and her mom make up and her mom accepts that Moon Girl is a part of her.
Another thing I think they did well was that Lunella wasn't embarrassed, and none of the jokes revolved around embarrassing her. Instead, she's kind of excited! A little weirded out, sure, but mostly she has good feelings toward this.
Lunella's period also wasn't even the main point of the episode, instead it centered around her and her mom having a girls day together, and eventually making up.
One last thing, I really like that periods weren't brought up in a way that triggered my gender dysphoria as a trans masc. I really appreciate how much representation MG&DD has of queer people & other minorities.
Anyway, this has been infodumping about MG&DD! I'll probably mostly infodump about the owl house but really wanted to talk about this episode.
TOH is a special interest I have been WAITING to have someone to talk to about it for 2 years… Do you like it too!? (Why should I not mention apple blood?)
…oh no… I hear her… SHE'S COMIN', BOI! RUN!!!
(I honestly want to write about like every episode in season 2 in DETAIL and also what we might have gotten in a full season 3 based off the montage in Thanks to Them lol)
(I've never RP'd before but I'd be up to trying it! If we do, could it be on a different chat please because I still want to use this one for infodumps)
(Do you know about the TOH fan musical? It's really good but I don't see a lot of people talking about it)
Spoilers for all of The Owl House!
Here's what I think would have been in a full season 3, based on the montage at the beginning of Thanks to Them and also Willow's scrapbook.
So first things first- I think there would be about 20 episodes in the season, given that the first had 19 and the second 21. Probably six of them would be what was covered in Thanks to Them, For the Future, and Watching and Dreaming. So that leaves us with 14 episodes whose stories had to be told in a couple minute montage. However, that plus the scrapbook can give us a decent idea of what some episodes and main themes of the season would be!
Episode 1: My guess is this would be an episode dedicated entirely to the first 24 hours or so after they got stranded in the human realm. Full of sad moments of everyone missing their families, plus some of Luz and Camilla finally being back together. Introducing Vee to everyone, etc. There would probably be a scene much like the one we got at 1:43 with everyone catching Camilla and Vee up on the events that happened in the demon realm.
Episode 2: I really don't know what order things would go in from here, so form here on out the episode number doesn't really matter, it's just episodes I think would be a part of the season at some point. (I want to number them anyway because it feels more organized or something idk). There would be a coming out episode. For sure. You cannot change my mind on this. It's the first part of the montage, and I love it, it's adorable, and it deserved a full 20 minute episode dedicated to it. I don't think that Luz would be very nervous about coming out, given that this is Dana Terrace making the show and homophobia isn't present in the show, like, ever. I think Luz knows her mom would be okay with her being bi, but want's coming out to be special nonetheless. Honestly, if anything, I think Amity would be the most nervous, given that Luz's mom is about to find out Amity is dating her daughter.
Episode 3: Everyone misses their family and is worried about them. Luz sort of acts as their therapist, maybe? Hunter is sad not because he misses his family, but because he doesn't have family to miss. Maybe this episode is their first attempt (of many) at starting a portal to the demon realm, but it doesn't work.
Episode 4: Thrift store day! Just a lighthearted episode where everyone gets their s3 outfit. Wholesome bonding between everyone.
Episode 5: Hunter haircut scene. Oh boy. 4:37. Hunter's hair is growing longer, he has a panic attack because he looks a bit like Belos now. Grimwalker lore heavy. Willow comes in and gives him a haircut, naturally, just like in the montage.
Episode 6: More attempts to get the portal working. (That's all I got for this one, sorry.)
Epsiode 7: Cute Lumity date at an ice cream shop! It's the best, most slice of life date ever, truly everything you could ask for from the concept. Cute blushing, that thing where you both drink a milkshake at the same time, maybe a kiss?
Okay, that's all I got for now, but I'll finish this later. As you can see, I am mildly (Maybe a little more than mildly) obsessed with this show, so… uh… yeah.
Episode 8: Basically the rain scene but it's a whole episode of Luz and Vee trying to get everyone to not be scared of the rain boiling them to death.
Ok, now we're getting into things purely based on the few pages we got to see on WIllow's scrapbook, so they'll just be vague ideas and I won't talk about them too much. probably just a sentence each.
Episode 9: They go to the movies for the first time! Most likely a witch movie that everyone gets mildly offended by.
Episode 10: First rafting trip! Possibly Luz's first one too so they can all do it for the first time together?
Episode 11: Gardening with Willow! She tries to teach Hunter how to garden, but it doesn't go so well.
Episode 12: Luz learns that Hunter's never had a birthday party, so everyone throws him a big surprise party!
Episode 13: Gus and Hunter go to a Cosmic Frontier con?
Episode 14: Luz goes back to school and faces all the changes that happened over the last year.
Spoilers for The Owl House! Warning for some mentions of possible abuse.
I want to do an infodump on Eclipse Lake because it's on Youtube sooooo yeah here that is. Just be warned that I'm going to have a lot of timestamps because I want to reference specific scenes (a LOT of specific scenes)
OH BOY. 3 seconds in and we have the grimwalker pages. What I find really interesting about these is that the eyes for the grimwalkers are this magenta color, which implies that that's what Hunter's real eye color is (it changes, like, every episode for no discernible reason). Another interesting thing here is that it says grimwalkers are partially made from palistrom wood, which, and boy do I absolutely hate this, could mean that Belos ate the previous golden guards like they were palisman when he was done with them. I HATE THAT SO MUCH.
0:31 Hunter is really scared when he realizes Belos knows he's there. There are a lot of headcanons (Though if you look closely it's basically canon anyway) that Hunter has been physically abused by Belos, and I think this scene really shows that. He also calls him 'Emporor Belos' instead of something more familial like 'Uncle'. Another thing is that his first instinct is to hide and protect Flapjack, and that's just really adorable.
0:50 Belos has been to the human realm before. OHHH GOODNESS FORESHADOWING!
1:09 "Everyone has a use, Hunter." You can see, later in the episode, Hunter repeating this to Amity. Hunter really pays attention to and internalizes what Belos and the coven heads tell him, which you can see again in Any Sport in a Storm when he distinctly remembers Darius telling him to get the 'best and the brightest' witches, even though Darius wasn't actually paying that much attention to his own words.
1:30 Belos saying 'goodnight, Hunter.' instead of answering Hunter's question of if this was punishment leaves hunter unsure of if he's in trouble or not. I think Belos did this on purpose.
2:21 Gooty breaks through a window in the owl house. Seems normal, but considering he is the owl house… did that hurt?
3:50 Ok but if she did eat the portal key… I mean, it has titans blood in it? Would we have gotten Titan Luz early? THE WORLD MAY NEVER KNOW!
4:18 She (Amity) really is a bit like Hunter in being taught to see everything as an oppurtunity.
Ok I'm going to stop there for now because class and stuff
Ok this isn't Owl House related in the slightest but I've been writing a LOT more lately and I'm super proud of myself! I've written the pilot episode of a podcast I want to make (It's a fiction podcast like Welcome to Night Vale, The Magnus Archives, etc) and I'm working on editing it +writing episode 2. Idk I'm just really happy about that :)
Oh gosh if it were animated that would be incredible but for now it's just going to be in a podcast format because idk how to draw lol
Just trust me. You can do it. I know. Personally, I've been creating things for a while, and I'm ready to give them to people.
Thanks! I'll try to figure out how to do that