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people_alt 31 followers

Deleted user

Okay, so I've decided to accept commissions for the heck of it. I can probably get back to you in a few days with just a plain sketch type of artwork, I'll take up to 15 at one time, but digital commissions can take from one week to a month and I won't accept more than three at a time, sorry! It just gets too much when I've got a billion digital commissions. A sample of my art is in the link below if you want to see my art so far. The graphics aren't the best but they're good enough to get an idea of my works.

Link: Invalid Character

Let me know if you want a full view, a partial, and whether or not you want a background and if so what sort. I can do minor gore, mild NSFW but I will send it to you through DM if it is and I reserve my right to refuse if I'm uncomfortable. I can do fanart if you send me links to the fandoms so I know who the characters/scenes are, and if you link your OCs then I can do them well enough. I won't draw anything racist, sexist, or anti LGBT, or really anything else cruel or offensive. Otherwise, let me know what you want from me to draw, I'll get it to you!

Deleted user

Additional notes: Sometimes I can't respond to the chat because I'm at school or busy, but I'm not ignoring you. And sometimes I'm working on projects at the moment, so fear not, I got your backs!